I was asked the question the other day about what I have done that would show to the citizens of the United States that I am capable of running a country. They told me it is one thing to put together a family and keep it from falling apart, but something entirely different in running a nation.
The only constitutional requirements are that you are thirty-five, a U.S. born citizen, and that you have lived inside the nation for the last fourteen years. I meet those requirements, but there has to be something more, right?
How about the fact that I am in touch with what it is like to live near and below the poverty level, when not a single one of our presidents in history has taken office in need of the wages that the presidency offers.
The President does not run the nation. The President is in charge of telling the Senate and Congress ideas, and creating momentum with those ideas to improve and maintain the livelihood of those within the nation's borders.
This nation is starting to realize that the old days of tradition are leaving us behind. We have been turned into a nation of consumers, which has turned even our jobs into something disposable. The odds of your future Presidents being wealthy as the current ones are is diminishing, of them coming from a background where they and their fathers held the same job for twenty years and being married only once are dropping at a rapid rate as well.
It is your responsibility as a citizen of the United States to pick people in your leadership that represent what is best for the future of our nation, and not necessarily what will benefit you in the short term and not based on the money they have and spent on campaigning. It is time we start thinking about the legacy we are leaving those who will inherit this place long after we are gone! To preserve the rights our founding fathers fought and died to give us! That even soldiers now lay down their lives to preserve!
So, the things that make me capable of being President:
° I have the nation's interest as a whole at heart, and not some political point of view that I want to maintain.
° I am not wealthy. I know what it is like to choose between new tires and food for the family. To work fifty-hour weeks so the bills get paid.
° I am passionate about America, and have many creative ideas that I know will improve this nation for everyone.
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