Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Stance on the Issues

This is a quick reference on my stance on the issues. To read more about these issues please read the blog associated with each one of them. Your comments, both good and bad, are requested and will be posted on the associated blog as long as they are not vulgar or extremely offensive.

Why run for President:
I feel I have a unique vantage point that other politicians do not have. I make only promises that I know I can keep, and as such, that means I only promise things that I am in direct control over. I promise that I will make every human attempt to keep in touch with the public, being open with them about the situations that are going on so that they are a better educated group on the workings of my office, and that I will make every attempt to keep the Constitution as the most important document in any law making decision.

My Experience:
It is unique, and I plan on filling my shortcomings with advisory teams. This nation is starting to realize that the old days of tradition are leaving us behind. We have been turned into a nation of consumers, which has turned even our jobs into something disposable.

My Party Choice:
I have not affiliated myself with any political party yet. As this current election drags on, I find myself questioning party affiliations and the "two" party system. I also find that the rules for each of the parties are very constraining. It may make things more difficult in some ways, but for the most part, going outside the parties will free me up to keep my stances.

Political Corruption:
This practice needs to be stopped. It's about time we didn't expect to get lied to by our leaders! I will prove that you do not have to lie to get the votes or to get your point across.

Gay Marriage:
I am for allowing the states to make their own decisions and educating the public. Personally I do not think that we should be able in infringe on their right to happiness.

We need to make abortion not the issue and resolve this problem at the source!  Education and prevention is the way to go.

I feel the current tax situation is wrong and has become a heavy burden for some while others barely notice. I do support the "Fair Tax".

Balanced Budget:
Those who pass a budget that will result in a deficit should be fined for doing so. A balanced budget should be part of the constitution, and keeping it balanced should not bring hardship to the American Citizens.

The Economy:
We need to generate jobs now and lower gas prices. We should invest in our future and keep the factories here. We should be a nation that builds things again instead of outsourcing everything.

Our Presence in Foreign Countries:
As long as it isn't detrimental to our national security, I am for withdrawing our troops. I do believe that we need to help out other nations but we can not enforce our beliefs and government on them.

Illegal Immigrants:
We call them "illegal" for a reason. They are not here legally and they have disrespected our laws by being here. Give them a short time to get legal, or send them home!

God in the public:
I feel God and Religion have become dirty words, and they should not be. Removing them form schools and other public places does not mean they are still not there nor does it stop people from talking about them.

Set programs to improve people's way of life without making them dependant on the government. We need to help the people of this nation get back onto their feet, become self-sufficient so we can improve our nation from the inside out.

We need to help the people of this nation get back onto their feet, become self-sufficient so we can improve our nation from the inside out.  People need a hand up, not a hand out!

Our most important resource is our children, yet those who are educating them are severely short staffed, underpaid, and not equipped properly.  This should be the most important issue for everyone, and no expenses should be held back for our future!

Health Care:
Something has gone wrong in America when millions of people are just one medical emergency away from bankruptcy and financial ruin. All Americans should have access to affordable health care, including prescription drugs, and these costs should not burden future generations. Health care is too expensive for most families to have, like mine. We should not make it "mandatory" for everyone to have but we should work on making it affordable.

Social Security:
I know that as it sits right now, this is a doomed endeavor. There have been efforts to reform this program. I would love to see new life brought into this program so they we all can maintain a way of life after retirement. I am researching and weighing options and ideas on exactly how to go about fixing this program, if possible.

Gun Control:
Our second amendment right has been infringed upon! We should not take away our right to bear arms, we should educate people instead. Guns do not kill people, people kill people and it does not have to be done with a gun. Should we also tell everyone that they have to give up their steak knifes, screwdrivers, pencils, pens, toothbrushes, etc., etc. ...

The Environment:
The best way to make a better environment is to educate people. I do agree that we need to improve the environment. I would like to see that companies that illegally dump in our oceans and rivers get more than just a slap on the wrist. I want to make this earth a place worth leaving to our children and their children.

Our Prison System:
For the first time in U.S. history, more than one of every 100 adults is in jail or prison. I do believe that their needs to be a change in the way the prison system to run. We need to reduce the cost per inmate and the taxes that are needed to maintain our prison system.

Animal Abuse:
We need to take a stronger stand. Animal abuse and neglect is just wrong! I believe animal abuse and neglect is a serious problem that too often leads to far more serious offenses like child abuse and other acts of violence against people.

Please read my blogs for more in-depth insights on my stances.

I know that all the issues are not listed here. If you have an issue or idea that you would like me to address, please just let me know and I will get to work on that right away. My blogs are usually in response to someone like you asking me about any issue, especially since I can not possibly put all my ideas and blogs on here at once.
If you have a question or something you want to let me know, please feel free to message me. I will always attempt to answer back personally!

Whence Brown

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